Convey Group Announces 2022 Development Plans

MD Lloyd Davies announces exciting new plans as he bids farewell to the Conveyancing Association
Convey Group Managing Director Lloyd Davies has announced a new industry-wide charity initiative for the conveyancing industry and the planned opening of a new office for Convey Law as he heralded a bright future for his conveyancing companies in 2022.
In a year which saw the group pick up a host of prestigious industry awards* including a British Conveyancing Award, three ESTAS Awards and an award from the Welsh Government for Best Medium Employer, Lloyd reflected on the ongoing success of Convey Law, The Conveyancing Academy and The Conveyancing Foundation, as he stepped down from his voluntary role as Operations Director at the Conveyancing Association (CA).
Lloyd officially left his position with the CA at the end of the CA Conference and Dinner in Wales this month which also marked the end of a successful six year stewardship of Convey363 Secretariat Services for the CA.
Along with the recently-announced launch of Convey365’s groundbreaking IT case management system to the conveyancing industry in 2022, Lloyd said ‘hundreds of Trainee Conveyancers’ were now enrolled at The Conveyancing Academy:
“The Conveyancing Academy continues to go from strength to strength, with hundreds enrolled on our revolutionary Practising Conveyancer Legal Diploma course. The Legal Diploma trains complete novices to competent conveyancers with their own caseloads within 6 – 12 months and paves the way for further qualification.
“At Convey Law, we are recruiting five Trainee Conveyancers a month and utilising the Legal Diploma course to help fulfil our training regime within our in-house Training Academy.
“It is working well and it has allowed us to increase from 90 to 150 members of staff and to double the number of our Conveyancers in the least 18 months. The course is 95 – 100% government-funded in England and Wales and we have over 160 legal practices using the Conveyancing Academy to help train their Conveyancers and this number is increasing daily.”
Lloyd also said he was proud of the way the Conveyancing Foundation had served the conveyancing industry and hoped to expand its work in 2022, announcing:
“We hope to engage the conveyancing industry in a nationwide charity fundraiser in the new year – engaging us all in “Conveyancing for Charity” and looking after those less fortunate than ourselves.
“We have always been keen on giving back to the conveyancing community that has been so good to us, as well as supporting those in need of our help. The Conveyancing Foundation launched the “Be Kind We Care” initiative this year in response to growing concerns about how Conveyancers were coping with increased caseloads and home working as well as how they were being treated by clients and fellow professionals.
“We worked with LawCare, the Mindstep Foundation and Agents Together to provide guidance, advice and best practice and with our amazing sponsors and supporters raised over £18,000 for these fantastic charities this year. We will continue working with key industry stakeholders on this critically important wellbeing initiative next year.”
Lloyd also remarked on the incredible success of the Foundation in raising over £820,000 in the last decade and welcomed new companies to its Charity Lotto:
“We relaunched the Conveyancing Foundation Charity Lotto this year – previously called The Free Legal Fee Competition. Two new legal practices in PM Law and Sam Hawking Solicitors will be using the Lotto to fundraise for their chosen charities in the new year – welcome guys and very well done.
“Setting up the Lotto is very straightforward and helps Conveyancers to raise thousands of pounds for their chosen charities each month.”
Finally, Lloyd announced that the success of the Training Academy Pathway had seen Convey Law go from strength to strength with a new office planned for 2022, explaining:
“Thanks to our Training Academy Pathway, our core business Convey Law is growing at a rate of knots – we will be opening another office next year – despite half of our staff working from home for most of the week!! It promises to be a busy year, with conveyancing instructions most likely to remain strong once again in 2022.
“Thank you all for your support and we very much look forward to working with you and catching up with you in 2022. Wishing you all a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.”
December 20, 2021